Monday, February 17, 2014

The Story of How I Became a Parent Coach

In the fall of 2012, my life turned upside down. When my marriage of over 10 years suddenly and dramatically fell apart, I found myself waking up to the reality that I was drowning myself in the busyness of life. It had been my desire to live with purpose and intention for many years but I had allowed small and seemly harmless things to take up residence in my life. The constant checking of Facebook, the obsessive following of blogs, and the pursuit of a "perfect" body had robbed me of living each day present and purposeful for that day. I was awaken to the fact that fear was driving my choices and beliefs. I have known from a young age that I was created for relationship with God and that I was loved by Jesus. But there is a difference between knowing and living. There is no fear when I choose to live by faith. In this season, I learned what it meant to live free from fear and fully present in the gifts of today. I learned to put my phone down and to step away from the computer. I learned to stop being busy and start playing with my kids. I learned to let go of how far or fast I'd run and enjoy the act of moving and being. I learned to laugh and to find joy even in the midst of a painful season. 

During this season, I found myself with two young boys that I needed to support and a desire to work with people so that they could too experience life fully present and purposeful. As I researched different options, I stumbled across the Parent Coaching Institute. I had never heard of parent coaching before but as I researched it more, my heart knew this was what I wanted to do. Parent Coaching is a newer field. Coaches partner with parents in a unique relationship that shifts the focus onto what are the gifts and strengths of the family and uses those strengths as the foundation for designing action steps that will move that family towards their preferred future.

I will graduate in March as Certified PCI Parent Coach®. I have started my own coaching practice called Foundations Parent and Life Coaching. My heart is to work with parents and individuals who want to build a solid foundation for a life that thrives. Parenting and living takes being purposeful otherwise busyness and distractions will crowd out the things that are truly important. Sometimes we come to a season of life where we need to be purposeful in establishing healthy rhythms for ourselves and our families. That is when working with a coach can be beneficial. The coaching relationship is all about partnership. We partner together to establish the rhythms that will help you and your family be your best selves. What I know to be true is that when I am working towards being my best self, I give a gift to my children that will impact their future in the best way possible. If you have questions, thoughts or would like more information about parent coaching, e-mail me of give me a call. (503-805-9021)

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